Fatima Rayimkulova

Fatima Rayimkulova


She decided to become a psychologist after noticing that talking to people helps them to understand their problems. Once just after the first consultation, the patient has understood what's wrong with him and how to solve the problem. However, Fatima  does not restrict patients in time, because the most imporant thing in her work is the result and not the time frame. She works at the Nazaraliev Medical Center for 5 years.


During the project she will use body-oriented dance-movement therapy. She also practices Sufi, hatha yoga and meditation. She beleives that one should help only when he is asked to.


She, herself prefers to seek help in books, rather than in people. Very often  randomly read quotes give answers to most pressing questions. One of her favorite books is  poems by Omar Hayam. Her most cherished quote is from that book: "To live life wisely, there's a lot to know, two ground rules remember for a start: better be hungry than eat whatever food, and better be alone than with whoever." 

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